
Fuel a discussion, shatter the frost, with these icebreakers, you'll never be lost.

One participant thinks of something, and the others have up to 20 yes-or-no questions to figure out what it is.

Charades is a classic game where a player acts out a word or phrase without speaking, and other participants guess what it is. You can use traditional categories like movies, books, or songs, or you can come up with categories based on your group's interests. If you're playing virtually, the person acting out the word or phrase can do so in front of their webcam.

One person starts by saying 'one', then the next person says 'two', and so on. The aim is to count to 20 without two people saying the same number at the same time. If this happens, the group has to start over! The larger the group, the more challenging this game becomes.

Each participant says what three items they would bring if they were going to be stuck on a desert island and why. This can lead to some interesting answers!

Let's design a character together! This is a fun and creative group activity where everyone contributes. To start, someone doodles a simple shape or outline on a shared online whiteboard. Then, each person takes turns adding a little something to our character - a pair of shoes, a funky hat, a cool hairstyle, you name it. This continues until everyone is happy with the end result. It's a great way to see how all our different ideas can come together into one very unique character.

Choose a variety of emojis with different expressions. Participants take turns mimicking the emoji faces on their screens. The aim is to try and make the other participants laugh, or simply to see who can make the most accurate emoji face!

Start a story using 3-4 emojis. Participants must continue the story by adding more emojis, and by the end, the group will have a unique and likely humorous 'emoji story'.

Ask everyone to share a quick, fun fact about themselves. It can be a hobby, a quirky talent, or something they recently learned about themselves.

Have a participant think of a dish, and list 2-3 of its ingredients. The other participants will then try to guess what the dish is. A variant of this activity would involve having one person list 2-3 random ingredients, and having other participants try to come up with a dish that uses those ingredients. For another variant, you could have one person name a single ingredient, and have the other participants name their favorite dish that uses that ingredient.

The first participant says a word. The next person must say a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word. For instance, if the word is 'apple', the next word could be 'elephant'. The chain continues until someone is stumped!

Play a game of Mad Libs. One person asks the others for a list of words (e.g., adjective, noun, etc.) to fill in the blanks of a story, without revealing the story. They then read the story with the words filled in for a hilarious effect!

One person starts by saying 'I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing...' followed by an item that starts with the letter A. The next person repeats the phrase and adds an item that starts with the letter B, and so on. If someone forgets an item, they are out of the game. The last person left wins!

Pictionary is a classic icebreaker that can be played in many formats! If on Zoom, you can simply use the whiteboard feature. The game is commonly played by having one person pick a random word and draw it for the group to see. The other participants then try to guess what the word is. The first person to guess gets a point. There are many online variations of the game, but two popular options are and is another choice, but the ads can be distracting. Google quickdraw is a fun option as well (an AI guesses your drawing), though it is not multiplayer.

Choose a theme (like 'aliens' or 'dream vacation') and give participants 2-3 minutes to create a sketch based on the theme. Afterward, everyone shares their drawing with the group!

For this icebreaker, you will need to be able to see each other's faces. One person will mute their microphone and say a word or phrase, and the other participants will try to guess what they are saying by reading their lips. The muted participant will continue to say the word or phrase until someone guesses correctly, or the host decides to move on.

Start with a chosen word. The next participant must say a word that rhymes with the previous one. The chain continues until someone can't think of a rhyming word. For added difficulty, set themes or categories like 'fruits' or 'animals'.

Break the group up into pairs. Each pair will play rock paper scissors, and the winner will move on to the next round. Continue until there is one winner.

A reflective activity where participants share their 'Rose' (a positive or highlight from their day or week), their 'Bud' (something they're looking forward to or hopeful about), and their 'Thorn' (a challenge they faced or are facing). It's a great way to get insights into each other's experiences and feelings.

Create a list of common household items. Participants have a set amount of time to find as many items on the list as they can. The one who finds the most items wins!

Each participant chooses an object in their home to share and talks about why it's important to them.

Play a game of Simon Says, ensuring the commands are suitable for the space each participant is in.

One person starts a story with a sentence, then the next person adds a sentence, and so on. The story can go in unexpected directions as everyone contributes!

Participants go around in a circle and must name something that fits a chosen category (like 'animals', 'fruits', etc.) starting with each letter of the alphabet.

This is a classic icebreaker that can be played in many formats! The game is commonly played by having one person share three statements about themselves, two of which are true and one of which is a lie. The other participants then try to guess which statement is the lie. The first person to guess correctly gets a point.

Ask everyone to change their virtual background to something that represents their current mood or something they like. Then each person briefly explains their choice.

Participants who have pets can briefly show and introduce their pets to the group. It's a fun and often adorable way to break the ice.

One person thinks of a celebrity, character, or other well-known person. The others take turns asking yes-or-no questions until someone guesses correctly.

If virtual, first decide an order for participants to go in. The first person says a word, and the next person says the first three words that pop into their head when hearing the word. The next person says three words based on the last word of the previous participant, and so on until everyone has gone. You can then compare the first and last words for fun! For example, if the first person says 'dog', the next person could say 'cat, feline, pet'. The next person could say 'dog, bark, loud', and so on. If in a two-person group, you can take turns saying words and responding to each other's words.

Show a zoomed-in image of a common object or picture, and participants have to guess what it is. As time goes by, zoom out little by little until someone correctly identifies it.